Terms & Conditions

This is the R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company corporate website. It does not advertise, sell or offer promotions for our products.

This website is intended only for use by adults. R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company (RJRT) believes that youth should not smoke. RJRT takes no actions to encourage youth smoking, and supports programs designed to discourage and reduce youth smoking. RJRT does not engage in any advertising, promotion, or marketing to minors. In addition, RJRT’s correspondence policies are designed to limit its business communications to adults only. We take these issues and responsibilities very seriously. Linking to this site from any site is expressly prohibited without permission.

Reynolds American Inc. (RAI) is the parent company of R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company. Click here to view shareholder services information on the RAI website.

We are glad to hear from adult smokers, trade partners, and other adults with an interest in our businesses. Please note the following corporate policies, which are designed to avoid misdirected inquiries, and to protect the interests of those who might contact us as well as the interests of the company and its affiliates.

Although Reynolds Tobacco appreciates people’s interest in its business, it is RJRT’s policy to decline consideration of unsolicited ideas and suggestions offered or submitted by the general public. RJRT relies on its research and marketing staffs for the generation and implementation of new concepts. This is necessary in order to avoid misunderstandings over the origin of particular ideas. Reynolds Tobacco is constantly generating new ideas, many of which RJRT cannot use until years after they were first conceived. Accordingly, RJRT does not accept unsolicited ideas for consideration, and asks you not to submit ideas for products, advertising, etc.

R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company has a longstanding corporate policy of not sending information on its business to students, as part of our commitment to directing brand-related communications to adult audiences and avoiding a tobacco-marketing presence in classrooms. Reynolds Tobacco does not reply to any requests from students, unless they are seeking information on youth non-smoking programs. Anyone interested in RJRT’s youth non-smoking programs should visit RJRT’s separate “Right Decisions, Right Now” website: www.rightdecisionsrightnow.com

If you are an adult who has a question about one of RJRT’s products, please call the toll-free number printed on the product package (1-800-341-5211). If you are an adult who has a general question about the business, please refer to the “Contact Us” page. Because RJRT’s products and brand communications are intended for adults only, it is RJRT’s firm policy not to respond to requests from minors.