Community Involvement
Through collaboration with a range of groups and nonprofit organizations in our local communities, Reynolds American Inc., R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company’s parent company, remains committed to donating their time and resources where they live and work.
R.J. Reynolds makes monetary and in-kind donations to support nonprofit strategic partnerships, immediate needs and economic development efforts in its communities.
The company values causes and initiatives important to its employees which is why it offers various ways for employees to increase their personal commitment to organizations they are passionate about. This includes two days off annually for regular, full-time employees to volunteer during working hours and dollar for dollar matching up to $7000 annually through the Reynolds American Foundation.
The Reynolds American Foundation centers its contribution resources and philanthropic efforts on Winston-Salem, NC. The foundation focuses on supporting communities where Reynolds employees live and work; scholarships, employee matching, capital campaigns, health and education.

The Reynolds American Foundation is a non-profit corporation, established as a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt private foundation, which administers certain charitable and educational giving programs on behalf of Reynolds American Inc., R.J. Reynolds and their respective employees.